It's estimated that more than a third of the world's population is vegetarian. But if you're not already vegan, you might wonder what the benefits are and why you should make the switch.
Here are just a few reasons to go vegan now:
Tasty Vegan Food
Vegan food is tasty and comes in a wide range of varieties. Visit any restaurant or food store and you will see for yourself just how many delicious options there are for you to choose from. With so many vegan products available, it has never been easier to be a vegan than it is today. You will not be sacrificing taste when you go vegan because there are so many amazing options for you to choose from.
The Environment
Going vegan can help the planet. There are numerous ways in which this can happen but one of the most important is by cutting down on your carbon footprint through eating less meat and animal products which come from animals that pollute the planet in various ways including through their waste.
Veganism is the most effective way to fight climate change and other environmental issues. Animal agriculture is responsible for a whopping greenhouse gas emissions. Factory farms, which produce animals for food in most countries, pollute our air and water and leave toxic residue in all of our food.
Improved Health
Many vegans say they feel better both physically and mentally after they switch to a plant-based diet. Eliminating meat and dairy products from your diet can result in weight loss and an increase in energy levels among other benefits.
Research shows that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, with lower rates of heart disease and cancer. Vegans, who consume no animal products whatsoever, are even more protected from these degenerative diseases. On top of core nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamins B12 and D, a vegan diet provides fiber which helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids and obesity.
Ethical Reasons
It's impossible to ignore the way that animals are treated on modern farms and in slaughterhouses. Some people become vegans because they believe it's wrong to kill animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose ― even if it doesn't affect their health or the environment.
Animal agriculture causes unimaginable suffering and death to billions of animals every year who are treated as mere commodities. Millions of male chicks are killed by suffocation or maceration (being ground up alive) because they cannot lay eggs and are seen as useless byproducts in the egg industry.
Vegan diets are based on foods that are readily available and that can be grown or gathered in nature. This includes fruits, vegetables, legumes (such as beans), seeds, nuts, grains and vegetable oils. Thus, vegan diets consist primarily of plant-based foods. Many vegans also avoid food derived from animals such as honey, eggs and dairy products.
The reasons to go vegan have become really well-known over the last few years. Whether you're going vegan for your health, the environment, to enjoy vegan tours without guilt, it's a great idea.
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