There are certain challenges when you’re travelling Vegan, there are establishments that do not have vegan options or meals, and there are snacks in convenience stores that do not have vegan snacks. But no worries about that because here are some handy tips to take note of when you’re on your Vegan Trip.
Cruises That Cater to Vegans
Believe it or not, there are cruises that are vegan-friendly such as a Vegan Cruise. Not only do you get to enjoy the meals and snacks from morning to evening, but you can also connect and add to your network the other vegans on the cruise.
That’s a win-win situation right there!
Communication Plays a Big Role When Travelling
Some basic phrases can come a long way when it comes to travelling to a new place. You can put them on your cellphone or in a notebook for easy access and carry-on. When you’re in a museum or restaurant, you can use these simple but important phrases. Having this kind of knowledge will help you in your travels and even earn a few nods of appreciation from the locals.
Vegan-friendly Apps to Use
Apps such as V-Cards, HappyCow, and FourSquare has helped travellers during their trips. These apps offer vegan restaurants in the area where you are travelling, and some even provide descriptions of various cultures in many languages. Just type in some keywords such as ‘vegan’ or ‘tofu’ for example, and the apps will give you the results on which places to go to.
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