Living a vegan lifestyle is an excellent way to improve your health as well as the environment. If you want to live a long, healthy life while helping others then going vegan is the best option. Switching to this kind of diet isn't that easy but with a lot of planning and preparation, you’ll wake up one day on an enjoyable culinary cruise with plant-based food served on board. Becoming vegan is a major lifestyle change that can improve your health and the well-being of the environment. It is not hard to see why many people decide to go vegetarian or even vegan after some time of being meat eaters. You will automatically start eating more fiber, which will make you feel fuller and satisfied longer. This can help with weight loss and overall health as well. When you go vegan, you also stop eating refined sugar and processed foods, which can make you feel less tired, more energized and have a better, positive attitude towards life in general. Trying to live your life with compassion ...